Walk on the West side, while we are still consigned to staying outdoors!
Starting from the X53 westward bound bus at the stop in Market Street keep going in the same direction, on the left hand side, and immediately you can get a takeaway cup of tea or coffee at Bellenie’s Bakery. Opening at 7.30 a.m. There are delicious home baked rolls, pasties, cakes and tasty snacks. (Closed Tuesdays).
As you reach the lane leading to St Catherine’s Chapel, there is a charming shop, Artisan Flowers and Gardens, selling pot plants, beautiful terracotta pots of various shapes and sizes, posies, vases, bulbs, and unusual eye-catching items, excellent for gifts.

Opposite is the brilliant village shop, Spar and Post Office, where you can buy almost everything you could possibly need, including takeaway coffee.
Strolling on along West Street you come to Abbotsbuy Market Gardens, a magnificent array of plants and herbs is displayed on racks across the whole face of a cottage. All grown here in Abbotsbury.
Finally there is Muddy Patches, behind the old chestnut tree and the old village forge.